Victoria Real Estate Resources for Home Sellers and Buyers
Here are just a few articles and responses to commonly asked questions from home buyers and sellers, as well as names of people we trust that provide a range of Victoria real estate services from home inspectors to storage companies.
Can’t find what you are looking for? Try using the search icon for our site or email us with your question
Articles and Answers for Victoria Home Buyers and Sellers:
- How is the Victoria Real Estate Market – is it a good time to buy or sell?
- What you need to think about before buying a home or condo?
- Which are the best Victoria neighbourhoods to live-in?
- What you need to know before buying a rental or income property in Victoria?
- What factors go into deciding what my home will sell for?
- What are the extra costs of buying a home or condo in Victoria?
- How much will it cost to sell a home in Victoria?
- What should I do before I put my home on the market?
- How much can I afford to buy? Mortgage Calculator
- Comprehensive Moving Checklist
- Where should I spend my renovation budget if I’m thinking of selling?
- Find out how much your home is worth today?
- Should I sell my home before I buy? And are “subject to sale” offers a good idea?
- Why should I get the perimeter drains inspected and is it worth it before I buy a new home?
- Do I need to be worried about Builders Liens?
- What do I need to watch for when reviewing the strata documents of a condo or townhome I want to buy?
- What are the risks of buying a home in Foreclosure?
- Should you downsize to a smaller home?
- Is Condo or Strata living right for you? Learn more about the Pros & Cons of living in a condo or townhome.
- How to buy a home in Victoria? Understanding the home buying process
- Real Estate Investment, Income and Rental Properties in Victoria? Does it make financial sense?
- How does the BC Property Assessment impact the selling price or the purchase price of a home?
- How to increase your odds of success in a multiple offer situation
- Answers to questions about selling Estate, inherited or Subject to Probate property and homes
- How to save money on utilities at home and improve the energy efficiency of your house
- Should you buy a pre-sale condo or townhome in Victoria, BC?
- What are the costs of buying real estate in Canada or BC if you don’t live there?
- What is a preemptive or bully offer?
- What is a bare land strata?
- Answers to questions about buying a short-term rental property
- What is a subject to sale offer?
- What is the HPI (Home Price Index)?
- What is a back-up offer?
Have a questions about buying or selling a home in the Greater Victoria area that we haven’t answered? Just contact us and we would happy to help.
Real Estate Service Providers in Greater Victoria
Home Inspectors
- Russell Cass
Home Check 778.351.1928 - Russ McCarthy, RHI
Barnes & Co. Home Inspections 250.881.1086 - Kerry Smith
InspectTech 250-920-8324
Lawyers specializing in Real Estate
- Tej Wirk
Mullin Demeo 250.477.3327 - Paula Bosenberg
Horne Coupar 250.388.6631 - Justin Hanson (specialize in Stratas)
Stevenson Luchies & Leigh 250-381-4040
Storage Companies & Movers
- Adams Storage
- You Move me – Patrick Ellison 250.818.1300
Home Maintenance & Repair
- Capital Plumbing – Todd Boutin 250.361.6120
- Chris Lloyd Painting – Chris Lloyd 250.704.9404
- Groundswell Organic Gardens – Lawn, landscape and irrigation maintenance – Cam Cumming 250.220.3476
Municipal resources
- Victoria Utilities
- Saanich Utilities
- Oak Bay Utiliities
- Fortis Gas
- MyRecyclopedia – a comprehensive list produced by the Capital Regional District (CRD of where and how to recycle products in the region)
Additional Real Estate Resources